Illinois Congressional
Debate Association

Rules Legislation Presiding Officers Judging

Frequently Asked Questions

What do each of the four sections contain?


The "Rules" section contains information on ICDA rules and procedures.
The "Legislation" section contains templates used for bill writing.
The "Presiding Officers" section contains information and documents related to the role of presiding officers.
The "Judging" section contains information for judges, as well as a rubric used for scoring speeches.

Are all of these documents official?


Every document on this website is approved by the ICDA oversight committee. However, some schools may use their own documents instead of the ones listed here.

Are there other ICDA documents not listed here?


The ICDA constitution can be found at the bottom of the website, in the footer of each page. Legislation assignments are emailed to coaches at the start of the season, but cannot be accessed from here. Most other resources are found on each tournament's Tabroom page.